Red Oak Community School District

Regular Board of Directors Meeting

Meeting Location:  Sue Wagaman Board Room, Webster Building, Red Oak, Iowa

Monday, November 15, 2010


This regular board meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Lee Fellers at 6:00 p.m. 


 PRESENT:   Directors:   Lee Fellers, Charla Schmid, Paul Griffen, Warren Hayes

                                             Terry Schmidt, Superintendent, & Shirley Maxwell, Board Secretary

                                             Elizabeth Dilley joined the meeting at 6:04 p.m.



Director Griffen moved and Director Schmid seconded to approve the agenda as presented.  The motion carried unanimously.



Director Schmid moved, seconded by Director Griffen to approve the consent agenda as presented.  The motion carried unanimously. 

·         Review and approval of minutes from October 25, 2010

·         Review and approval of monthly business reports

·         Approval of education service agreements with Clarinda Community School District-Clarinda Academy; Council Bluffs Community School District-Children’s Square; and Shenandoah Community School District





Motion by Director Schmid, seconded by Director Dilley that the Red Oak Community School District partner with the Wilson Performing Arts Center and accept the proposal from Arts Midwest as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.  The Wilson Performing Arts Center will partner with the Red Oak Community School District and share the cost of lodging for Arts Midwest over a two year cycle. The Board of Directors all agreed that steps would be taken to help raise funds to help defray these costs that will be incurred during 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. 



Director Dilley moved, seconded by Director Griffen to approve the formal adoption of the Schools In Need Of Assistance Action Plan (SINA) for the academic years 2010-2011 and 2011-2012.  Motion carried unanimously.



Director Griffen moved, seconded by Director Dilley to approve the formal adoption of the Red Oak Curriculum Council’s mission and expectations. The motion carried unanimously.



Director Griffen moved, seconded by Schmid to set the percentage of unspent balance compared to maximum spending authority at 7.5% for the 2011-2012 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.   Directors were in agreement to allow this percentage to vary between 6.5% and 9.0% with an explanation as to the reason for the increase/decrease.  Motion carried unanimously. 



Following discussion on the ISCAP Series B cash flow projection report, the board agreed to not take part in Series B.  If additional funds are needed before June 30, the district will consider interfund loan borrowing. 


Director Dilley moved, seconded by Director Hayes to approve the resolution authorizing the request of the modified allowable growth as stated in the School Budget Review Committee application for increasing enrollment, open enrollment out, and excess LEP costs.  All data submitted herewith do represent an accurate, unduplicated, and true accounting of student counts in accordance with Iowa Code and the Iowa Administrative Code, to the best of our knowledge and belief.  Motion carried unanimously.



Director Griffen moved, seconded by Dilley to approve the contract for Brandi Merrick for the second semester for teaching agriculture education and full-time substitute teaching on days when agriculture education is not meeting, and a stipend to serve as the FFA Chapter Advisor.  The total compensation for the contract will be $14,500 plus $18.83 per hour for FFA Advisor assignment.  Motion carried unanimously.


MOTION by Director Dilley, seconded by Director Schmid to approve the following personnel considerations for the 2010-2011 school year:

·         Brad Schlieman’s resignation from Red Oak Middle School girls’ track coach.  Assignment approved for  Red Oak High School  boys’ assistant track coach

·         Judy Waggoner as transportation bus monitor substitute

·         Brynda Sagen as a substitute bus driver

·         Jennifer Elarton, paraprofessional transfer from Inman Primary to the Webster Right Start Preschool Program.

Motion carried unanimously.



Director Schmid moved, and Director Dilley seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:57 p.m.  The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on Monday, December 20, 2010, at 6:00 p.m., in the Sue Wagaman Board Room at the Webster Building.  The motion carried unanimously.







_______________________________                      ________________________________

Lee Fellers, President                                                  Shirley Maxwell, Secretary