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Red Oak School District



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Red Oak Board of Directors Recognizes Leadership Above and Beyond

Director Charla Schmid will soon step aside from local governance after thirteen years of great community service.  Mrs. Schmid has served on numerous leadership teams in the district in addition to service at the state level with the Iowa Association of School Boards. During the tenure of service by Charla Schmid, both of her daughters graduated from Red Oak and both now have  professional careers.  A major school renovation plan was approved by district voters during her board service resulting in much improved learning centers for the community’s children. Her years of service also found major changes in the instructional programs through increased course offerings, through new technology emphasis, and  through a commitment to  the improvement of the district’s financial health. Charla Schmid’s greatest gift to the board of directors was her incessant belief and actions to make the Red Oak Schools one of the best in Southwest Iowa. That belief has resulted in improved sharing programs with neighboring school districts; support provided for juniors and seniors at Red Oak High to get a jump start on college with concurrent classes; and most importantly – a commitment to school improvements through increasing test scores; and the establishment of a professional learning community.

Superintendent Terry Schmidt directed praise towards the service of Charla Schmid: “Mrs. Schmid is truly one of the finest, most committed board members I have worked with. She set not  only high expectations for the Board itself but insisted the school community should raise its expectations for teaching and learning.  Her passion for the schools of Red Oak has been remarkable. She will be missed as part of the governance board but will leave a standard of excellence for those who follow her.”